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South Charnwood High School

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Encouraging excellence Valuing people


Welcome to South Charnwood

As headteacher of South Charnwood High School, my vision is to  provide an outstanding education in a safe supportive learning environment so that every child can achieve their full potential. A school where pupils feel able to develop their own unique personal qualities and take responsibility for themselves, and their own learning, as they become the young adults of the future.

I have extremely high expectations of myself, my staff and the pupils we teach. Education works best when we all work together in a supportive partnership – pupils, staff and parents.

We expect our pupils to follow the 3P’s every day. To be Polite, Prepared and Productive. In return, I expect all pupils to be challenged and supported by our staff to achieve the best they can academically, to develop the resilience, leadership and communication skills that they will need as employees in the future.

We have an outstanding track record of achievement built on a safe, caring, happy and successful ethos but we can do even better. I am naturally very competitive and want South Charnwood to be the best school it can be. We will continue to strive for excellence and value our people.

Simon Andrews, Headteacher.

Ethos, Aims & values

South Charnwood Statistically...

  • South Charnwoord Statistically 92.8

    Attendance 2023-2024 (2% above the national average)

  • South Charnwoord Statistically 85

    % of pupils gaining grade 4+ in English Literature &/or Language

  • South Charnwoord Statistically 81 

    % of pupils gaining grade 4+ in Mathematics