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South Charnwood High School

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Ethos, Aims & Values


We work with pupils to:

  • Keep them safe, happy and feeling valued at school.
  • Ensure they enjoy school, fulfil their potential and achieve high standards in all areas of the curriculum.
  • Enable them to become self-reliant lifelong learners.
  • Foster their life skills through a varied and stimulating curriculum appropriate to their needs and ages.
  • Develop their powers of imagination, creativity, questioning and reasoning.
  • Promote moral and spiritual values and help them to develop their “moral compass” with respect and honesty as a basis.
  • Celebrate diversity, promote equality and encourage compassionate attitudes towards all members of the community.
  • Encourage healthy attitudes to personal well-being, self-esteem, confidence and a drive to succeed in life.
  • Instil a sense of pride in themselves, their school and their community.


To achieve our aims we will:

  • Have consistently high expectations of pupils in terms of academic achievement and behaviour.
  • Plan for stimulating and challenging learning opportunities, working independently and in teams, in and out of school.
  • Give strong encouragement and clear guidance on how to improve continuously.
  • Offer opportunities to wonder, to speculate and to experience a sense of awe and appreciation.
  • Encourage pupils to take part in a broad spectrum of extra-curricular activities.
  • Provide appropriate pastoral support that deals with issues sensitively.
  • Intervene, where necessary, to ensure pupils make the right choices.
  • Maintain a secure environment in which each individual is cared for and valued.
  • Arrange appropriate support for those pupils who find learning more challenging.


 To demonstrate our commitment to these aims we will:

  • Share our vision of education with all those involved.
  • Communicate honestly and openly with pupils, parents, staff and trustees.
  • Monitor and evaluate our practice and strive continuously to improve it.
  • Invest in quality training and career development for all staff in line with the School Development Plan.
  • Invest in and improve resources for learning.
  • Develop strong links with the wider community.
  • Develop inclusive strategies to involve all pupils in their educational progress and attainment.
  • Work with outside agencies to support pupils.
  • Maintain productive liaison with primary schools and providers of further education or work placements.
  • Welcome challenging questions from trustees as they regularly monitor all areas of our progress.


At South Charnwood High School we strive for, and encourage, excellence in all aspects of education.  Academically we endeavour to ensure that all pupils reach their full potential and that no pupil underachieves. We also strive for excellence culturally, doing all we can to ensure high participation rates in extra-curricular activities and celebrating quality performance. Socially we endeavour to provide opportunities for our pupils to grow into caring, tolerant responsible citizens without prejudice. We help them to show initiative, curiosity and compassion for others and to have high self-esteem, self-worth and self-respect. 

We work towards a high local and national profile. We want South Charnwood to be renowned and respected in Leicestershire and beyond, for the quality of the education it provides. We want staff, pupils, trustees, parents and all those involved to be proud of the school. National recognition enhances the reputation of a school and we work towards achieving national awards.

The school ethos is very much based on value and respect for all. The necessity of establishing good relationships at all levels is accepted and we appreciate that these relationships are built on mutual respect and not fear. Praise has a vital role to play in the process. Pupils' achievements are celebrated and rewarded, and they are encouraged and motivated to do their best.

South Charnwood is a learning organisation where teamwork is vital. Teams provide strength and support. We encourage staff to be reflective practitioners evaluating their work and striving to improve. The school aims to be strong on self-review, avoiding complacency.

To achieve our aims we recognise the importance of the working and learning environment and the necessity of high quality facilities and resources. We will strive to ensure that the school is a safe, comfortable and stimulating place devoted to learning and the development of the young people in our care.

Despite its rural location we want South Charnwood to be at the heart of the community it serves: a place of learning, enjoyment and relaxation, and of educational excellence, lifelong learning and community spirit.

We recognise the necessity of working together with our feeder primary schools, partner schools and other outside agencies of the local community.