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South Charnwood High School

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Curriculum Information

Year 7

Changing schools from a small Primary to a larger High School, meeting many new teachers and having to change rooms for different subjects, can cause anxieties for some pupils.  In the first year at the school, however, we do our best to ensure that tutor groups are actively taught by their form tutor as well as seeing him or her at least once every day for registration and form time. Pupils will, therefore, be given reassurance and help in coping with new routines and with the more complex organisation of the secondary school.  We find that they settle in very quickly and happily every year and nearly all are well into their stride in a matter of a few days.  All tutors know their pupils well individually and will ensure their needs are being met both academically and emotionally, which is so important in helping them to achieve their best in all areas of the curriculum.

Diagnostic tests, teacher observation and primary records are used to identify pupils with particular learning difficulties at an early stage, so that they can then receive extra help through special support programmes arranged with the Learning Support department.

In their first year pupils soon become accustomed to the teachers in their year team, and the relationship with you as parents, begun during the transfer process, will be maintained and encouraged, so that our partnership with you supports your child's learning from their first day at the school.

Tutors will spend one lesson each week teaching their tutor group PDC (Personal Development and Citizenship), which deals with a range of important issues such as friendships, bullying, drugs and alcohol, animal welfare, resolving world conflict, first aid, safety on the roads, health and hygiene matters and aspects of sexual development. Pupils in Year 7 are taught in groups of mixed ability for all subjects; apart from Mathematics, which is taught in groups of similar abilities.

Year 8 & 9

All pupils in these years follow a common curriculum consisting of subjects shown at the bottom of this page.  For most subjects, pupils are taught in mixed ability groups; re-grouping   according to ability takes place in Mathematics, Modern Languages, Science and ADT.

As pupils enter Year 9, increasing emphasis is placed on preparation for GCSE and encouragement is given to pupils to consider carefully their strengths and weaknesses as they progress to make the most appropriate subject choices for the Key Stage 4 stage of their education.

Through Years 8 and 9, every pupil will have daily contact with a form tutor. The tutor's role, in which he or she is supported by a Year Head, is to encourage and guide pupils and to monitor their behavior and academic progress. As pupils in these years increase in confidence and maturity, new opportunities are presented to them to accept responsibility and make their contribution to school and community life, such as peer mentoring and sports leadership.

Year 10 & 11

All pupils follow a common core of subjects consisting of GCSE English Language and Literature, GCSE Mathematics, GCSE Science (Core & Additional), as well as GCSE Religious Education (short course), Games/PE and Personal Development & Citizenship (PDC).

In addition to these compulsory subjects, pupils in Years 10 & 11 have the opportunity to choose four additional GCSE subjects from the following list:

French, Geography, History, Triple Science, Computer Science, Art, Business Studies, Drama, Food Preparation & Nutrition, Design & Technology, ICT, Media Studies, Music, PE, Sociology and Skills for Work.

Through Years 10 and 11, every pupil will continue to have daily contact with a form tutor. The tutor's role, with support from a Head of Year, is to encourage and guide pupils and to monitor their behavior and academic progress. 

To find more about our curriculum, please email office@southcharnwood.org including your curriculum question and curriculum area in the subject line. Our team will then direct your query to the relevant member of staff.