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South Charnwood High School

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Physical Education


When pupils leave SCHS we want them to be Fit4LIFE. This means pupils should:
  • Develop intrinsic motivation to be Fit4LIFE
  • Enjoy physical activity
  • Develop confidence 
  • Develop physical health and understand its importance 
  • Develop emotional health and understand its importance 
  • Develop cognitive (mental) health and understand its importance
  • Develop good social skills including empathy and understanding it's importance
  • Have a good grasp of all fundamental motor skills
  • Develop some sport specific skills 
  • Develop resilience
  • Understand the importance of continued physical activity when they leave school


The CORE PE curriculum will focus on: 
  • Blocks of work on sport specific skills – usually one sport at a time – see curriculum map overleaf
  • CORE PE timetable changes every year due to length of half terms, weather, lockdowns, facilities being used for exams and of course staff suggestions for development and improvement. Therefore, we don’t teach certain things in certain years, but instead have planned a number of progressive blocks which staff will refer to when planning lessons appropriate for their group. Staff will then choose the appropriate block to teach based on the experience and level of their group.
  • Praising progress, mastery and effort will be our focus, not praising outcome or ability
  • Developing skills, rules and tactics in a number of sports in order to prepare pupils effectively for GCSE PE
  • Bottom sets may focus on a group of sports to develop more fundamental motor skills eg a striking/fielding unit to develop: hitting, throwing and catching
  • Enjoyment comes from mastery of skills but also from social games and activities, so festival weeks are included in the curriculum – a chance to put into practice what they have learnt but in a bigger and more social setting
  • Ensuring we help pupils get Fit4LIFE – our whole curriculum feeds into this however, these specific units will involve: teaching the cognitive, social, physical and emotional health benefits of physical activity, developing pupils understanding of fitness and how to improve it, developing confidence in pupils that they can keep themselves physically fit and active even without being part of a club/team when they leave school


Measuring impact in PE is tricky when so many threads are being drawn together. However:

  • We will assess pupils according to the school policy of: Below, Towards, At, Above and Well Above on each sport and record the data on Go4schools.
  • We will also attempt (work in progress) to gather data about whether they are Fit4LIFE, at the end of each year, they will sit a short test/questionnaire so we can measure their attitude to and understanding of the importance of physical activity. Perhaps use a test score % to measure if they are: Below, Towards, At, Above and Well Above and again we could record this on Go4schools
  • At KS4, although skill development and tactical understanding are still taught, we will not measure ability in sport, only their fitness and understanding of Fit4LIFE – we must prepare everyone for their future. An exit questionnaire is completed by y11s to determine how successful we are at preparing them to be Fit4LIFE
  • GCSE pupils will be prepared for their future progression through their GCSE lessons

PE Homework Policy


The PE Department offers OCR GCSE Physical Education to Key Stage 4 pupils. They can opt to take this full two year course in addition to their core PE lessons. 

GCSE Detailed Subject Information

OCR GCSE Specification

Core PE homework

No homework is required since the course is non-examinable but recreational in nature with its aims outlined above in “Intent”. Staff may set homework if they wish – it may involve practising or joining a club.

GCSE PE homework

Since the course is half theory and half practical, staff should set homework on a fortnightly basis to support the learning in the previous 2 theory lessons. Homework should use the everlearner website or take the form of worksheets, posters, exam questions and revision for tests/exams to support learning already covered in class. The Everlearner will record scores for practice tests, other scores should be recorded on Go4schools as a score out of 10. Practical participation homework may be set on top of theory homework.

GCSE PE theory assessment

  • Booklets should be self assessed and corrected by pupils in class in purple pen.
  • Pupils will then sit a progressive phase test which staff will mark
  • Pupils will then RAG rate the test and complete personalised homework questions in their booklets
  • If pupils fail to meet their target grade in the phase test, the GCSE PE support plan is implemented – see separate document
  • Staff will then take in booklets and award a grade bronze, silver or gold and confirm by a tick sheet that the booklet is complete

GCSE PE practical assessment

Marks are awarded at the end of each unit out of 20 using the marking criteria provided by the exam board. The scores are recorded on Go4schools. Before final mark submission to the exam board, assessments are re-done in exam conditions and marks adjusted accordingly by the internal moderator.


Extra Curricular Activities 

The PE Department offer several extra-curricular activities throughout the school year. To see this terms activities please click here.

Pupils Working Remotely

For pupils in Key Stage 3 - please click here to find relevant information.
For pupils in Key Stage 4 - please access your work through your classes on Google Classroom.