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Clubs and Activities

Extra Curricular Activities and Clubs

Much valuable learning takes place beyond the classroom and the formal school time-table. We aim to offer, wherever possible, a varied and challenging range of extra curricular activities for pupils to extend their studies and interests, and to assist in their personal and social development.

Pupil Voice

What are the goals of Pupil Voice?

Pupil Voice is at the heart of South Charnwood High School.  We ensure that all pupils have the opportunity to be heard; that all pupils have the opportunity to communicate their thoughts and feelings, and to have their views respected.  Through this, we hope that pupils will become more actively involved in positively affecting change in our school community, and develop their understanding of democracy.

We aim to encourage and foster respect for the rights of all pupils; to celebrate diversity within our school community; and to empower pupils to bring about visible, tangible changes in any aspects of school life that they feel need to be changed.

How do we achieve these goals?

Each year, every tutor group is able to nominate up to two pupils to be members of the Pupil Voice team.  Pupils must nominate themselves, and each tutor group must vote if the nominations are contested.

So, is it only the members of Pupil Voice who have a voice?

No, not at all!  Just like in a democracy, the representatives on Pupil Voice will share and debate ideas on behalf of their peers and tutor groups.

When a decision needs to be made, all pupils are given the opportunity to vote and have their voices heard.  Every voice matters.

Educational Visits

During their time at South Charnwood, pupils will have opportunities to take part in educational visits and residential courses. All are organised and supervised by experienced teachers and support staff with appropriate qualifications. Places on these visits are generally open to all pupils in the designated age group; staff may, however, withdraw an offer of a place to pupils whose behaviour or commitment gives cause for serious concern.

Residential visits which will take place include an outdoor pursuits week for Year 9 pupils in the Bannau Brycheiniog (Brecon Beacons). Having a strong outdoor pursuits flavour,  it also offers the valuable experience of managing when away from home and living and working as a team. Travelling a bit further afield we also organise a ski trip for Year 8,  a French trip for Year 7 and a Strasbourg trip for years 9 and 10.  Additionally, year teams may offer occasional outings, such as bowling or Alton Towers and Drayton Manor Park as rewards for pupils whose commitment and behaviour are good.


A wide variety of sports activities is offered during lunchtimes and after school. These include: football, netball, table-tennis, basketball, tennis, athletics, cross-country, badminton, gymnastics and cricket.

Many of these options take the form of inter-form or individual competitions and all pupils are strongly encouraged to take part. Sporting fixtures take place throughout the year, between neighbouring schools in local and national competitions, after school and on Saturday mornings. A small match fee is charged for the fixtures to cover affiliation fees, administrative and transport costs. We are very proud of our reputation as a school that values sport. Over the last few years the school has achieved great success in a number of different sports.

The school organises regular fixtures against other schools at both County and National level. At present after-school fixtures are provided for football (boys & girls), rugby, netball, badminton, athletics, cricket, basketball, rounders and table tennis.

Music and Drama

Pupils are encouraged to take advantage of a variety of extra-curricular opportunities in the Music and Drama Department.

Our many singers and instrumentalists perform regularly and all pupils have the opportunity to become involved in both lunchtime and after school rehearsals. We produce an annual Concert where we showcase our pupils‘ many talents and in the Spring Term we create a performance of a popular musical.

Parents, members of the community and pupils past, present and future are invited along to join the audience in enjoying any of our fantastic productions.