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Work Experience 

As part of our Careers Programme in school we offer all our year 10 pupils the opportunity to attend a week of work experience in the summer term.

Placements can be arranged through LEBC or pupils can self place, all relevant checks are then conducted by LEBC. The week is an invaluable opportunity for our pupils to develop the skills they will need in the workplace as adults. 

Our pupils filled in a survey after last year’s work experience week and they were overwhelmingly positive about the experience and the skills that they had gained. In fact, 94% of pupils said they enjoyed it and 97% recommended that next year's Year 10 be given the opportunity to do it. They said that apart from the day to day 'on the job' skills that they learnt they felt they had learnt the following: communication; confidence; creativity; dedication; determination; how to help others; independence; how to take the initiative; innovation; patience; perseverance; resilience; taking responsibility; social skills; teamwork and finally, how tiring a working day can be!




 Work Experience Documents

LEBC placement application form

Self placement form

LEBC Student Guide