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Parents Evenings

To book your parents' evening appointments please click here and follow the online instructions.

All of our parents evenings are in person, at school, unless you have been advised otherwise.   


Virtual Parents Evenings 

The video below shows how to book and attend virtual appointments.

If you would rather view an illustrated document with step by step details please click here.

Please start by going to the Parents Evening Booking system

What equipment will I need? 

In order to make a video call with staff you need to have as a minimum:

  • A device with a microphone and speaker 
  • A compatible web browser:

iPhone/iPad: Safari 
Android: Chrome or Firefox 
Windows: Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge
Mac: Safari, Chrome or Firefox 
Linux: Chrome or Firefox

We also recommend:

  • Using your smartphone or tablet for video appointments. If you don't have a smartphone or tablet with a front facing camera, use a laptop or computer with a webcam.
  • Using a headset (or earphones with a microphone) to reduce echo.

Tips for troubleshooting 

Staff have checked their devices work so we hope all is well at our end. Please watch the video above beforehand to ensure you are using a suitable browser.

Try logging on up to an hour before - if you can’t see “Join Video Appointments” check the tips below:

  1. The same parent who made the appointments MUST be the one to log in, as the appointments are linked to his/her details only and NOT to the other parent.
  1. Check the names match exactly what we have on the system.
  1. Check the email address - in some instances the system shows that parents are sharing the same email address which you may have forgotten
  1. Make sure your camera, microphone and volume are fully enabled in your settings and that you have allowed the system to access them.
  1. Better sound is achieved if only one person speaks (closely) to the microphone at a time.
  1. If one party loses connection please just wait whilst they log in again - you should be able to resume.
  1. If there is a sound/display issue try clicking the microphone/camera icon off and on again.
  1. If there is still an issue try logging off and logging on again or try another device.
  1. Keep an eye on your email/appointments in case the teacher has a later slot they could book you into.
  1. If possible have a backup device ready for you to log on and use.
  2. We cannot do any more on the day so please be forgiving in case of a technical hitch. We are doing our best to make contact at this difficult time. If you miss a conversation the teacher will drop you an email within a couple of days of your appointment.

Protocols for virtual parents evening 

As virtual parents evening are new to us we thought it important to establish some ground rules so that all participants are following the same protocols ensuring the wellbeing of all involved.

  • Conversations should take place in appropriate rooms (eg. kitchen, lounge or study - NOT in a bedroom).
  • All participants should be appropriately dressed as they would be for a real life face to face meeting.
  • No conversations should be recorded. 
  • If you are using a device with (eg FaceTime or WhatsApp) to enable both parents from different households to attend simultaneously, please flag this up to the teacher as a matter of courtesy at the start of the conversation.
  • Both teachers and parents have the choice of using audio or video.
  • As in real life, your son/daughter is welcome to attend.
  • Please try to be on time as the slot times are not flexible at all and will start/finish exactly on time. 
  • The first 30 seconds of each conversation allows for a short break for the teacher who will initiate the conversation at some point when they are ready during this time. 
  • South Charnwood High School is often commended for the very positive, constructive relationships between staff and parents and it is important that this continues. Therefore please note that in the extremely unlikely event of verbal abuse, staff will end the conversation and refer the matter to the Senior Leadership Team.