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South Charnwood High School

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Policies & Equality

The school has many policies, copies of which are kept in school.

If you wish to see a list of our policies immediately available, please click here. If you wish to see any policy that is not listed, please contact the school office. 


Our school community celebrates diversity and upholds a clear vision through our Equality Objectives. We are committed to ensuring equality of education and opportunity for all pupils, staff, parents and carers receiving services from the school, irrespective of age, race, gender, disability, faith or religion, pregnancy and maternity, sexual orientation or socio-economic background.

South Charnwood High School ensures that equal human rights are respected for all and that pupils are educated in equality through all aspects of their learning. We aim to develop a culture of inclusion and diversity in which all those connected to the school feel proud of their identity and able to participate fully in school life.

South Charnwood High School is aware of the requirements of The Equality Act 2010 and complies fully with the Equality Duty to ensure that school policies and practice do not discriminate, directly or indirectly, against adults or pupils in the school and that the school is accessible to all.  

Ethos & Culture
Objective Measured By Actions Progress Milestones
To enable all pupils, including those with protected characteristics, to make a positive contribution to the school and its community.  Participation in Futures Award tracked.

Pupil and parent survey results.

Co-curricula survey, improvement of uptake

Introduction of the Futures Award to Year 7. (Lead: Assistant Headteacher)

Encourage more pupils to share their cultures and traditions with other pupils via assemblies to celebrate differences. (Lead: SLT/HoYs)

Monitor participation in co-curricular activities and work with identified groups of pupils and parents to improve participation. (Lead: Assistant Headteacher)

Positive contributions of pupils celebrated via a new fortnightly newsletter and FB page. (Lead: Headteacher)

Futures Award review July 2024. Roll out to Year 9 2024.

July 23, new co curricula survey completed and action plan created.

Objective Measured By Actions Progress Milestones
To monitor and analyse pupil achievement by social disadvantage, ethnicity, gender and special educational need/disability and act on any trends or patterns in the data that require additional support for pupils.

Regular data outcomes produced. Analysed in Line manager meetings/trustee meetings

Heads of department to plan action. Response, monitored for impact through line management.

Analysis at School and Head of Department level following each data collection, with specific line of enquiry relating to pupils from key groups as stated. (Lead: Assistant Headteacher/SLT/HoDs) 

Following each data collection, Heads of department ensure that positive action is planned for any cohort of pupils or individuals that are not meeting their target grades (HoDs/SLT)

Any pupils underperforming in each cohort are identified. 

Interventions put in place lead to an improvement in pupil achievement at the next data collection

Partnerships with parents/carers and the wider community 
Objective Measured By Actions Progress Milestones
To raise levels of parental and pupil engagement in learning and school life, across all activities including regular attendance to ensure equity and fairness in access and engagement, notwithstanding social deprivation, special educational need/disability.

Attendance monitored at events.

Parental surveys.

Develop, promote and deliver an Engage Programme to widen parental participation in the education of their children. (Lead: SLT).

Ensure positive marketing to promote such events with the entire range of  parents & families, identifying barriers to engagement and taking positive steps to remove/promote this. (Lead: Headteacher). 

Target ‘hard to reach’ families with positive encouragement and support to attend. (Lead: Assistant Headteacher).

Parental participation improves, evidenced by increased % attendance at parental events.

Improved parental; approval via stakeholder surveys.

Countering and challenging harassment and bullying 
Objective Measured By Actions Progress Milestones
To reduce the number of bullying incidents related to the protected characteristics and the amount of language used by pupils that could be considered discriminatory.

Discriminatory language and bullying data.

Child on child abuse survey

Revisit of discriminatory language procedure with pupils and parents.Robustly challenge any use of discriminatory language within the school, to ensure all pupil feel safe and supported. (Lead: Assistant Headteacher)

Whole school child on child abuse survey to be introduced via year group assembly. Action plan created to tackle issues raised. (Lead:Assistant Headteacher/TE)

Beyond bullying Award accreditation undertaken (Lead: Assistant Headteacher)

Staff are consistently challenging and recording pupil use discriminatory language

Action plan created with clear objectives.

Award started 23/24


Exclusions - This statement on exclusions is written with regard to the DfE publication ’Exclusion from maintained schools, academies and pupil referral units in England’ (September 2017):

The school reserves the right to use exclusion as the final sanction in its  Behaviour Policy. Please note, in the absence of the Headteacher, the right to exclude is delegated to either a Deputy Headteacher or the Assistant Headteacher. For serious breaches of school rules, the school may exclude a pupil as an appropriate sanction. For persistent offences, the school will use exclusion as a justifiable means of attempting to modify pupils’ behaviour, usually when other interventions have been exhausted. The school is committed to keeping the number of school days missed to a minimum but for repeat exclusions it is usual for the number of days to be increased each time. After three separate exclusions for any one pupil, the school makes every attempt to arrange for the pupil and parents to be seen by the trustees’ Disciplinary Committee who reinforce the high expectations of the school and enquire as to whether they can be of any assistance in ensuring good behaviour in the future. The school works closely with the Hinckley and Bosworth Behaviour Partnership (HBEP) who provide more in-school support for pupils at risk of exclusion.

Additional Information - You may obtain, on request from the school, access to several documents giving management and curriculum information. These documents include, OFSTED's report on the school, schemes of work in use and DfE statutory orders. Copies can be made of certain documents and others may be read only in school. Reasonable notice for access would be appreciated.