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South Charnwood High School

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Stomp Round Leicester

South Charnwood High School are taking part in the ‘Stomp round Leicester’ trail which will see decorated elephants from schools and artists around Leicester on display in an outdoor trail. There will be a map available to find the elephants from both schools and artists.

Due to begin in July, the trail will celebrate 40 years of LOROS Hospice as well as raising money and awareness of the organisation, with 40 elephant sculptures placed across the city.

The city-wide trail will contribute towards delivering care services to the hospice patients and their families’ at the most difficult time of their lives. The free trail, being created by the hospice alongside Wild in Art, will remain in place for 10 weeks in Summer 2025. The sculptures will then be auctioned to raise money for the hospice, which provides care and support to adult patients who are terminally ill and their families.

Pupils are being asked to join a competition and submit their design for the SCHS elephant with the following aspects in mind:

  • It needs to be eye-catching and bold
  • Represent the school in some way
  • It could be related to the school: ethos, logo, colours, history or local area.
  • A celebration of diversity and religious beliefs.
  • A design for both right and left sides that can be different designs or related/connected to each other.

Templates for competition design entries can be collected from the art department or form tutors.

The deadline for entries to be given back to the art department is Friday 14th February.

If you have any queries, please speak to Mrs. Hardy.