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Piya’s Summer Achievements

Piya, year 9, has had an amazing summer break full of remarkable achievements.

Firstly, Piya successfully graduated from a 1-week online Business Studies course with Oxbright. The course introduced students to business, marketing and management, exploring theories on business success, marketing, and how to pitch a product successfully.

The course tutors described Piya as:

 "an incredibly bright individual who is quick to grasp new, complex concepts and keen to apply her understanding in practice. Piya is clearly incredibly well equipped to enjoy future success in this field”.

Secondly, Piya also joined the Girls into Engineering course with the Small Piece Trust. This was a 3-day residential course held at Loughborough University. Piya had the opportunity to participate in group work and code, and create a mini project which they then tested. She had a fantastic time and found the experience enriching.

Lastly, buy by no means least, Piya took her Trinity Grade 4 Piano exam and achieved a Merit Grade.  

Amazing achievements Piya, well done!