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Food Preparation & Nutrition (GCSE)


This is a practical and creative course which focuses on giving students the necessary skills and subject knowledge to provide the foundation for the Non Examination Assessment (NEA) and final examination in year 11. 

Pupils will build upon prior learning from National Curriculum Design and Technology and, in particular, the subject content of cooking and nutrition. They will enhance their knowledge and understanding of what constitutes a healthy, balanced diet and good nutrition. This includes the Eatwell Guide, energy balance and the role of nutrients in a balanced diet. Before the start of the course they should already have developed a range of different practical skills and made a repertoire of predominantly savoury products which meet current guidelines for healthy eating. Food hygiene and safety is taught as an integral part of every lesson when preparing, cooking and serving food.

AQA Subject Specification


Homework is a vital part of the course as it provides time to reflect and absorb the learning that took place within the classroom. After each section and chapter pupils will be required to revise before taking a test. This provides up to date progress data as well as highlighting the areas for the pupils to improve.


Assessment is via full written tests during Year 10 and 11, including a mock GCSE exam. A controlled assessment project marked internally and externally moderated. A written public exam at the end of Year 11 for the full ability range graded 9 – 1.

Year 10 - Mock exam: 1 hour and 45 minute written exam.

Year 11 - Non Exam Assessment and 2 hour written exam

GCSE Food Preparation & Nutrition detailed subject information